- AlphaStar Instructor (since 2018)
- Computer Science teacher (10+ years)
- MA in Education from the University of London
- Specialized in C++ and experienced in Python, SQL, Linux
- Working towards a Masters in Computer Science
People Say About Our Instructor
It was fun to learn and it make me like coding more.
Manu K
I liked that I got to learn a lot about Computer Science, and I liked how the teachers and other peers made a positive learning environment. I also liked how the exercises and homework got me pulled into coding.
Christopher X
- (Spring Accelerated) CS21A Programming with Python-Part A - Section 1-Live (Interactive)
- (Spring Accelerated) CS21A Programming with Python-Part A - Section 2-Live (Interactive)
- (Spring Accelerated) CS21B Programming with Python-Part B - Section 1-Live (Interactive)
- (Spring Accelerated) CS21B Programming with Python-Part B - Section 2-Live (Interactive)
- (Summer Online) CS23AB Programming with Java -Live (Interactive) - Practice ONLY
- (Summer Online) CS23AB Programming with Java -Live (Interactive) - Lecture ONLY
- (Summer Online) CS23AB Programming with Java -Live (Interactive) - Lecture + Practice
- (Summer Online) CS22AB Programming with C++ - Live (Interactive) - Practice ONLY
- (Summer Online) CS22AB Programming with C++ - Live (Interactive) - Lecture ONLY
- (Fall Online) CS21A Programming with Python-Live (Interactive) - Section 3
- (Fall Online) CS21A Programming with Python-Live (Interactive) - Section 4
- (Summer Online) CC25AB USACO Bronze - Live (Interactive) - Lecture + Practice - Section 2
- (Spring Online) CS21B Programming with Python Part B-Live (Interactive) - Section 4
- (Spring Online) CS21B Programming with Python Part B-Live (Interactive) - Section 3
- (Winter Online) CS21A Programming with Python - Live (Interactive) Section 1
- (Spring Accelerated Online) CS21A Programming with Python - Part A-Live (Interactive) - Section 1
- (Fall Online) CS21A Programming with Python - A-Live (Interactive) - Section 3
- (Fall Online) CS21A Programming with Python - A-Live (Interactive) - Section 4
- CS21B Programming with Python - B-Live (Interactive) - Section 2
- CS21B Programming with Python - B-Live (Interactive) - Section 3
- CS22A Programming with C++ A - Section 1
- Programming with Python - Part 1
- CS22B Programming with C++ B - Section 1
- CS23A Programming with Java A - Section 2
- CC25AB USACO Bronze AB - Section 1
- CS23A Programming with Java A - Section 1
- CS23B Programming with Java B - Section 1
- Programming with C++ A
- Programming with Python Parts 1 & 2 BUNDLE
- Programming with C++ B
- Programming with C++ - Part 1
- Programming with C++ - Parts 1 & 2 BUNDLE
- Programming with Python A
- Programming with Java A
- Programming with Python B
- Programming with Java B
- Python & USACO Bronze BUNDLE
- Introduction to Machine Learning
- Programming with C++ - Part 2
- Introduction to Machine Learning
- USACO Bronze - Part 1